
Are Smart Gadget Manufacturers in Legal Trouble?

Are Smart Gadget Manufacturers in Legal Trouble?

Smart products are everywhere nowadays, ranging from video doorbells and assistants to more niche appliances… including breast pumps and floss dispensers. However, despite all of these devices being very different, most have one thing in common. It just so happens that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is concerned about this commonality, as it’s the fact […]

Are Smart Gadget Manufacturers in Legal Trouble? Read More »

This Photo Hosting Service Shows You Exactly What Google Does with Your Data

This Photo Hosting Service Shows You Exactly What Google Does with Your Data

If we told you that someone could guess information about you just from looking at an image, what would you say? You’d probably say, “yeah, no $!#?!” but we’re not talking about minor details… we’re talking about a lot of details. Paragraphs, even—plenty enough to be concerning.

This Photo Hosting Service Shows You Exactly What Google Does with Your Data Read More »

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