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Which Form of MFA Is the Most Secure? Which Is the Most Convenient?

Credential theft is now at an all-time high and is responsible for more data breaches than any other type of attack. With data and business processes now largely cloud-based, a user’s password is the quickest and easiest way to conduct many different types of dangerous activities. Being logged in as a user (especially if they

Which Form of MFA Is the Most Secure? Which Is the Most Convenient? Read More »

Displaying Top 5 Mobile Device Attacks You Need to Watch Out - raw image.jpg

Top 5 Mobile Device Attacks You Need to Watch Out For

Smartphones and tablets are often the preferred device for communications, web searching, and accessing many types of apps. They’re more portable and can be used from anywhere. We’re seeing the takeover of many activities that used to be performed on traditional computers. Now, people are using mobile devices instead. For example, Microsoft estimates that up

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The Key to Protecting Your Business from Ransomware Is More of the Same

The Key to Protecting Your Business from Ransomware Is More of the Same

With so many high-profile ransomware attacks being launched against manufacturers, pipelines, and even hospitals, it’s no surprise that many companies are worried about what the future of this threat means for their organizations. Ransomware poses a serious threat, one that cannot possibly be ignored, so we urge you to take action now so you don’t

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